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Friday, September 30, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Student Testimonials SHARPNACK Chevy/Buick

Testimonial Jeff Neibler GSM SHARPNACK CHEVY/BUICK

Everday People From All Walks of Life... Just Like your Customers! Got A...

Take two? Nope I'll text ya later... Yes it is that bad out there!!! Get...

Great another inconvenient customer theres the brochure rack help yourse...

Where's my crystal ball? Hold on Im gettin a vision of your perfect car....

HomeWork Assignment but REAL customer Waits over 15 minutes & no service!

Freshly Trained Committed Sales Professional with no bad habits! Jmac St...

Freshly Trained Committed Sales Professional with no bad habits! Jmac St...

Previous Experience? Got AutoMax... Get Jmac'd!

New York AutoMax Training Class gets Jmac'd!

A gift from one of my AutoMax grads in Madison Wisconsin... Really Cool!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

No Inventory /Lots of Inventory...should I hire salespeople?

OK....sooooo you are a dealer that has been affected by a lack of inventory due to world events and your first concern,fear is lack of vehicles to sell,we get that.
Let's talk about what may not seem to be a priority now and the ways it's being handled right now.
1.Hiring freeze,don't need more salespeople to sell blacktop!
2.Let go of salespeople,because you don't want to pay a draw or benefits cause all you have is blacktop.
3.Wait till the cars start to roll in to put on more salespeople....{And they will,soon} less blacktop,more cars
4.Salespeople leave,cause nothing to sell,but....blacktop!
Here is the dilemma with that type of plan,when you are ready to pull the trigger so is your competition and thus the available talent pool pie gets divided by a larger number.
Staff your stores now!
Let's say in your market there are 1000 quality people available to choose from to sell cars now and you are the ONLY Dealer to understand that,your available talent pool to pick from is huge....wait till the inventory hits and now that same 1000 quality people is divided up by 5 other dealers?...10,15? Do the math.
Our technology,manpower and experience can help you take advantage of this current opportunity.

Ok....sooooo you are a dealer that has NOT been affected by lack of inventory and you can't see any blacktop anywhere on your property,how are you handling staffing?
1.You are using AutoMax Recruiting and Training to assist you[Great move}
2.You picked up a couple of "vets" from the stores with no inventory
3.You know you should take advantage of this current opportunity but you a just a little gun shy due to 08 and 09 still
4.Salespeople that you currently have will leave when the dealers with no inventory now,get inventory soon.

Your opportunity,same as above,staff now and as my dad used to say in the summer,"It's time to make hay while the sun's shinning"

AutoMax Recruiting and Training Trainer,Joe Bonincontri Asheville Chevrolet

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hire Them Dead,or Kill em After You Got Em?

Ok, so you have run your automotive salesperson help wanted ads, you have scheduled the respondents for an interview, you put them through your physiologically based interview, and they have passed personality tests, background checks, drug tests and DMV. You initially “trained” them either in house or used an outside source such as AutoMax Recruiting and Training to do all that for you. Now they are ‘Plug and Play Professionals” Now comes the job of retaining who went through the training.
They are now on the floor ready to take “ups”, first customer comes in, new salesperson greets them just the way they were trained to do, customer grabs a brochure and leaves. You call the salesperson over and ask what happened and he or she says something like “Oh they were just looking, on lunch hour, wife was next door shopping, asked for directions, car was getting oil change, killing time while his partner robbed the bank next door”, and he heads to the coffee maker for a cup of joe, you get the picture. In your frustration of this being the 15th customer that visited your showroom today without one sale, in your best Alex Baldwin voice from Glengarry Glen Ross you tell him in no uncertain terms “Coffee’s for Closers, kid” and he cowers back into his office.
Near the end of the day you remember yelling at the “greenpea” and you go sit down and tell him “I have great news, you are going to be trailing Five Car Fred the rest of the week” “Five Car has been here 13 years and has a lot of time on his hands” {He only sells Five a month] “He will show you the ropes and T.O. all your deals and only take 50% of your commission of every sale, isn’t that great?” The salesperson says “ok, Boss”
Fast forward 3 weeks from that wonderful decision and only a couple of things could have happened, one he has settled in nicely due to the ‘Training?” of Five Car Fred and has become Four Car Frank or…..you look around and he has blown out and gone on to become the CEO of Burger Doodle down the street. Retain who we or you initially train!
Did You Hire em Dead or Kill em After You Got em?
This can all stop, it’s just a processes problem and process’s can be fixed. Have a very specific plan and have different people that are SUCCESSFUL get involved in the new hire’s initial and ongoing training. Whether it is done in house or using the talents of an outside vendor like AutoMax this all just needs a little tweaking and care.
Make sure the ad says what the job really is and attract the career minded people you want and need, not just people looking for a JOB! Have a person designated to handle all the resumes and initial screening to save you or your manager’s time and effort. Make 100% sure the initial training is motivational in nature and is designed to change the new salesperson’s perception of the car business [remember the day before they were a customer and we all know what their perceptions are of us] These people must have the basics and enough initial training and information so they can take a customer and not mess the whole thing up in the first 5 minutes. Retention is about all of these things PLUS, the ongoing training and mentoring they get either from you or AutoMax is essential tothem sticking around and being as successful as you need and want them to be.

AutoMax Salespeople: AutoMax sales Training and Independent Dealers

AutoMax Salespeople: AutoMax sales Training and Independent Dealers: "http://automotivedealersultimatevendorguide.com/company.php?id=195321&company=AutoMax%20Recruiting&term=Automax"

AutoMax Sales Training | Training New Trainers: AutoMax sales Training is now Training for used ca...

AutoMax Sales Training | Training New Trainers: AutoMax sales Training is now Training for used ca...

AutoMax sales Training is now Training for used car dealers too!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Got to Start...to Finish Strong!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

AutoMax: Arthur Bush Graduate

Automax Changing Lives!

AutoMax Changing Lives

Student Testimonials-Jere Conover, Trainer

Automax graduate salesman of the month three month

Porter nissan graduate josh automax

Automax bob stevensvideo-2011-01-28-14-49-54

IMG 0068

IMG 0067

Sullivans ONeil Chevrolet Buick.mp4

Fair Oaks Jeep Feb 4 2011

Matt Gabriel AutoMax Grad 9 years ago

Kyle L. Testimonial Automax Grad

K Jeter. Automax Grad

J Baz. Automax Grad

Berry S. Automax Grad Paul Hardy trained

David B.Automax Grad Paul Hardy trained

Finn.Automax Grad Paul Hardy trained

Rich S.Automax Grad Paul Hardy trained

Amanda recent Automax Grad from Paul Hardy

L. Alm former Automax grad from Paul Hardy

Gabe Automax grad from Paul Hardy

M Walker Automax grad from Paul Hardy

Jason Rowe Sundance Chevy Trained by Paul Hardy/Automax

Sundance Chevy class of new salespeople!

Lindsay Chevrolet New Sales Professionals

Lindsay Lexus 004.AVI

Student Testimonials Russ Darrow Kia


WILLIS FORD Testimonials

ANDY MOHR FORD Student Testimonials

YOUNGBLOOD AUTO GROUP Student Testimonials

Student testimonials ANDY MOHR TOYOTA

Student Testimonials BILL WALSH AUTO GROUP

Dealer Student Testimonials SHAWNEE MISSION KIA

Student Testimonials RIVERSIDE FORD FEB/2011

Student Testimonials YOUNGBLOOD AUTO GROUP

Jaycee Lewis

Thurston Curtis

Steven Hagenlock

Jefte Frias Spanish

Keenan French

Scott Reed

AutoMax Clap

Brandon Isaacson

Charles Thompkins

Darnell Bennett

Kelly Disney

Manny Baker

Raj Das

Rohan Singh

David Jolly

Krys Spiker

Bill Batton

Drew Dammel

Al Alatasi.3gp

Rebecca Leubieski.3gp


Joe Massaro.3gp

Matthew Friend.3gp

Chris Crawford.3gp

Ronnie Evans.3gp

Kevin Whitmore.3gp

Judy Scott.3gp

Ivan Malanchuk.3gp

Tony Chavira.3gp

Video 11

Trained and ready for your store !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Planet Suzuki new hires !!!!!

Keith Hawthorne new hires

AutoMax Recruiting and Training Salesperson

AutoMax Recruiting and Training Salesperson Graduate

AutoMax Recruiting and Training Salesperson Graduate

AutoMax Recruiting and Training Salesperson

Shellie Carter Mungo "AutoMax Training was Fantastic"

Shawn Scott + AutoMax Training = Top Salesman = Promotion

Video Interview