A blog by Craig Lockerd, president and founder of AutoMax Sales Training and Consulting located in Linwood, New Jersey.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
'Twas the night before payday

'Twas the night before payday, when all ‘cross the lot
Not a creature was stirring, there weren’t no ups;
The cars were all cleaned on the showroom with care,
In hopes that some traffic soon would be there;
The crusty, sour peddlers were complaining ‘bout keeping their families fed,
While visions of small paychecks danced in their heads;
And Managers in their swivel-chairs, and F&I taking a nap,
Dreaming of a customer that would buy an E.S.C. and gap,
When out on the lot there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the desk to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore across the showroom and through the front door with a crash!
The cars on the lot were all covered with snow
Dozens of white lumps; how to tell them apart no one would know,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Sales Trainer and 8 recruits full of cheer.
The sharp recruits were prepared with much more than just word-tracts,
I knew in a moment it must be AutoMax.
More rapid than eagles his trainees they came,
The Trainer whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, Green-pea! now, Newby! and all of the rest!
It’s showtime get selling this is your true test!
To the phones! to the lot and showroom floor!
Time to bring new-life to this car selling store!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So out to the lot the recruits they flew,
With snow-brooms and energy and good attitudes.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the phones
The prospecting calls gave such a wonderful tone.
As I lifted my head, and was turning around,
Out of the showroom the old crusty-sour peddlers did bound.
The bitter old sots griped about flooding the floor,
So they would take their bad habits and attitudes to another store;
The manager gave the crusty-guys a pat on the back,
And he was so happy he helped them pack.
His eyes -- how they twinkled! his smile grew wide!
He looked at his new sales staff with pride!
His newly trained salespeople did not move slow,
As they took turns working the phone, the lot and moving the snow;
The bitter old car dawgs looked back gritting their teeth,
As the smoke of the last “dope-ring” circled and faded like a wreath;
The Trainer had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
He said, “These are well trained sellers, void of bad habits.”
And I laughed as I watched them hop around with the energy of rabbits;
A wink of the Trainers eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but watched his trainees work and toil,
As they made appointments and greeted each client with a smile to earn their spoil.
And nodding his head the Trainer knew his work here was done,
More sales reps to train, it was time for him to run;
He sprang to his car, to his recruits gave a whistle,
And on with their tasks they went like guided missles.
But I heard the AutoMax trainer exclaim as he drove out of sight,
“Good selling to all and to all a good night!”

Friday, December 10, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
AutoMax Recruiting & Training
Press Release
Automax Recruiting & Training Announces a Comprehensive Training Partnership with Ziegler SuperSystems
Automax Recruiting & Training, the nation's most requested salesperson and training company in North America has reached an ongoing training agreement with Jim Ziegler and Ziegler SuperSystems. With this dynamic partnership Automax will add ongoing sales and management training to its dealer client training repertoire using the Ziegler SuperSystem training platform, the most dynamic, in-depth training of its kind.
Mays Landing, NJ, November 16th, 2010: Two staples in the auto industry, recruiting and training, as personified by Automax Recruiting & Training and Ziegler SuperSystem has teamed up to offer a comprehensive training package for auto dealers across the country.
"This will allow more dealers across North America to have access to Ziegler Super Systems and will create profit opportunities [for auto dealers] that may have only been dreamed about." Says Craig Lockerd of Automax
"It also brings Jim's clients the chance to professionally recruit and initially train salespeople at their dealerships, the AutoMax Way!"
With this partnership auto dealers across the country, in Canada and in Puerto Rico have access to one of the most comprehensive recruitment and training programs available. Auto dealers are always on the lookout for better ongoing training opportunities to sell more cars and increase their bottom line. With this partnership they have access to hiring as well as initial and ongoing training for both their sales force and management team.
"This is exciting stuff," Says Ric Morrow, an automotive sales training consultant, "This is probably one of the biggest announcements the auto industry has had in awhile, this changes everything!"
What this means to an auto dealer is they now have access to a total sales force training and recruiting package, without having to hire multiple companies. This reduces expense, training style clashes and increases both training rate adoption and sales force retention. The magnitude of this partnership will be felt throughout the auto industry and is already making it's waves through social networks as the word spreads.
All of this will be accomplished through ongoing communication and cross training of key personnel at both Automax Recruiting & Training and Ziegler SuperSystems. Ziegler SuperSystems will utilize the proprietary Automax recruitment and initial training system to find and hire the right students and Automax Recruiting & Training will utilize the ongoing Ziegler sales and management training systems to further grow and develop the sales force of their dealer clients.
About Automax Recruiting & Training
AutoMax has been the industry leader in the recruitment and development of career minded people that are committed, well trained and with no bad habits for over 11 years. They are able to do this through proper ads, pre-screening, ongoing relationship between applicant and Automax, through their follow up and desire to help people succeed.
If we are together nothing is impossible. If we are divided all will fail.
Craig Lockerd
AutoMax Recruiting & Training
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Check out my @constantcontact newsletter
Check out my @constantcontact newsletter
It has been said that we all make changes based on two feelings all of us share as human beings: AVOID PAIN and SEEK PLEASURE. PAIN is a strange thing , it seems sometimes we can get comfortable with certain PAIN, a PAIN in the neck {No pun intended}some physical PAIN, broken heart , the PAIN of letting an economic shift put us in survive rather than thrive mode. The PAIN I'm talking about today is the PAIN a lot of us have gotten comfortable with month after month after month....The under performing salesperson, I have had them, thought they were a good hire, trained them, helped them, coached and encouraged them, even liked who they are as people. Month after month they are selling 4,5 or 6 a month, you don't want to cut them loose, at least you know what you got......PAIN and you are comfortable with it!
It's time to avoid that feeling of PAIN. The math is simple, you have 2, 3 maybe 4 of these Painful situations on your floor let's say 2, they average maybe 6 a month? Take those 2 X 6 vehicles X your average gross_____ example $2000 = $24,000 per month $288,000 a year.
SEEK PLEASURE tear off that Band-Aid I know it may hurt for a moment and replace those 2 with 3 "Committed, Well Trained Salespeople, With No Bad Habits" Again the math is simple and these people are going to perform just a tiny bit better just as an example 3 X 8 vehicles X $2100 average gross = $50,400 per month, $604,000 per year...What if you take all those numbers X 2? PLEASURE FOUND! Owners this means bigger boat and or knocking your competition off your street, managers....get paid on % of Gross?
AutoMax has solutions that are PAIN FREE and VERY PLEASURABLE with GUARANTEED RESULTS!
Change is hard and we get it, but who is running your floor, you or "Six Car Sam?"
"A plan is only good if it
Is one that gets recruited;
For good intentions soon will die
Unless they're executed."
Craig Lockerd
AutoMax Recruiting & Training
It has been said that we all make changes based on two feelings all of us share as human beings: AVOID PAIN and SEEK PLEASURE. PAIN is a strange thing , it seems sometimes we can get comfortable with certain PAIN, a PAIN in the neck {No pun intended}some physical PAIN, broken heart , the PAIN of letting an economic shift put us in survive rather than thrive mode. The PAIN I'm talking about today is the PAIN a lot of us have gotten comfortable with month after month after month....The under performing salesperson, I have had them, thought they were a good hire, trained them, helped them, coached and encouraged them, even liked who they are as people. Month after month they are selling 4,5 or 6 a month, you don't want to cut them loose, at least you know what you got......PAIN and you are comfortable with it!
It's time to avoid that feeling of PAIN. The math is simple, you have 2, 3 maybe 4 of these Painful situations on your floor let's say 2, they average maybe 6 a month? Take those 2 X 6 vehicles X your average gross_____ example $2000 = $24,000 per month $288,000 a year.
SEEK PLEASURE tear off that Band-Aid I know it may hurt for a moment and replace those 2 with 3 "Committed, Well Trained Salespeople, With No Bad Habits" Again the math is simple and these people are going to perform just a tiny bit better just as an example 3 X 8 vehicles X $2100 average gross = $50,400 per month, $604,000 per year...What if you take all those numbers X 2? PLEASURE FOUND! Owners this means bigger boat and or knocking your competition off your street, managers....get paid on % of Gross?
AutoMax has solutions that are PAIN FREE and VERY PLEASURABLE with GUARANTEED RESULTS!
Change is hard and we get it, but who is running your floor, you or "Six Car Sam?"
"A plan is only good if it
Is one that gets recruited;
For good intentions soon will die
Unless they're executed."
Craig Lockerd
AutoMax Recruiting & Training
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Acres Of Diamonds

We at AutoMax love Conwell's speech Acre's of Diamonds and feel its very appropriate for what we do, providing your store with" Committed, Well Trained Salespeople With No Bad Habits"
The people we recruit, interview and initially train are people in your neighborhood, perhaps customers or friends or family of customers, people right under your nose that perhaps you would have never thought of recruiting...Nice people, people just like your customers who just happen to sell cars for a living.
Who better to take care of your local customers than people that ARE or WERE your local customers.
Russell Conwell helped to transform a night school in a church basement in Philadelphia into Temple University. He did it by retelling a story that was told to him while in a camel caravan in Mesopotamia. It was a story about Al Hafed, a very wealthy farmer in ancient Persia. Al Hafed was living his dream life until one day a Buddhist priest visited him and during their conversation told him how the world was formed.
The old priest also told Al Hafed about diamonds and that if he had a handful of diamonds he could purchase a whole country. With a mine of diamonds he could place his children upon thrones through the influence of their great wealth.
That night Al Hafed went to bed a poor man -- not that he had lost anything. He was poor because he was discontented and discontented because he thought he was poor. After a sleepless night, he arose early the next morning and told the priest of his desire to be immensely rich. After a lengthy conversation the priest told him that he would find diamonds in a river that runs over white sand between high mountains. Al Hafed sold his farm, collected his money, left his family in the charge of a neighbor, and began his search for diamonds.
After years of exhaustive search throughout Palestine and across Europe, penniless, ragged and wretched, he threw himself into the incoming tide off the coast of Spain never to rise again.
In the meantime, back at the farm, Al Hafed's successor, while giving his camel a drink from the stream that ran through the property, found a black stone with an eye of light that reflected all the colors of the rainbow. The stone turned out to be a diamond. And so were discovered the diamond mines of Golconda, the most magnificent diamond mines in the history of mankind; exceeding the Kimberley mines in value. Had Al Hafed remained at home and in his own garden, instead of wretchedness, starvation, poverty and death in a strange land, he would have had "acres of diamonds." Every shovelful of that old farm has since revealed the gems which have decorated the crowns of monarchs.
The most amazing and tragic element of this story is the fact that we have so many modern day Al Hafeds wandering around looking for their acres of diamond everywhere except in the backyard of their own mind.
Change your Perspective
One of the valuable lessons taught by this incredible story is one of perspective. How do you see yourself? The gem stones are the attitudes you develop over time as a result of seeing YOUR world more clearly. When you see yourself more clearly, you see yourself as someone who is valuable and has limitless potential. This leads to high self esteem and high expectations which are the cornerstones for high achievement. This perspective also motivates you and compels you to act with a clearly defined purpose.
Opportunities are dressed in work clothes
Your greatest opportunities lie under your own feet. They lie in your intellect, your talent and abilities, your education and experience, as well as with your family members, friends and business contacts. The challenge is that in the rough, a diamond does not look like a diamond that we are familiar with. It looks like a black, rough piece of rock and must be cut, shaped and polished repeatedly before it glistens like the valuable stone that it is.
The Al Hafeds of today are waiting around for their opportunities to turn up. They are looking for the easy way; the six numbers in the lotto or an inheritance from a long lost relative they've never even heard of. They fail to realize that their acres of diamonds represent an opportunity for them to learn and work hard for a long period of time, honing and developing their skills so that they can build a career or business and eventually have everything they want.
Your area of excellence
Each and every one of us have the ability to be excellent at something. What can you be excellent at? It is your responsibility to find it. You may have a knack for singing. Perhaps it's teaching or sports. Whatever it is, know that ability is latent until it's developed. You may have all the potential in the world, but the marketplace will only pay your performance not your potential. J.K. Rowlings is now the richest woman in the UK, but ten years ago she was on welfare. Her latent talent was in writing and through her writing she began to mine the nuggets of diamonds that were abundant in her mind. Harry Potter became her Golconda mines. Remember, the diamonds lie inside us waiting to be mined, cut and polished.
Keep on Pushing!
" Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation."
Brian Tracy
Craig Lockerd
AutoMax Recruiting & Training
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
AddThis Social Bookmarking Sharing Button Widget
AddThis Social Bookmarking Sharing Button Widget: "http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs079/1102017732982/archive/110322338773..."
Monday, March 22, 2010
Big Boy Salesperson Recruiting!
AutoMax Recruiting and John Priest Committed to providing a Volume of Committed,Well Trained Salespeople,With No Bad Habits!
AutoMax Recruiting and John Priest Committed to providing a Volume of Committed,Well Trained Salespeople,With No Bad Habits!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Baseball and Auto Pie
Very interesting views from a dear friend of AutoMax's Mr.Tom Wiegand.
Baseball & Auto Pie
The professional franchise retail auto industry and the professional franchise baseball industry are my two all-time favorite franchise systems. Why are they so obviously different in structure and customer retention?
The professional franchised baseball team industry is structured:
The professional franchised auto dealership team industry is structured:
Wouldn’t the success of one structure convince the poorer performing industry to convert to the successful one, become part of the same excellent tasting pie? If the auto dealership structure is better, then auto leaders should convince the Steinbrenner family and management to eliminate the coaching level the auto industry avoids. In other words, convince the New York Yankees to eliminate their third base coach that has his hands and fingers moving everywhere in signal calling, that first base coach that typically has his hands in his back pockets, that bullpen coach that wears shin guards and watches pitchers prepare for entering the game; that bench coach that I think is primarily responsible for warming the bench for players coming off the field; and those other coaches that chew, spit and scratch. Convince Yankee management to take their suits and ties off and get into those player uniforms for every game and have them coach on the field instead of paying for that extra level of coaching the auto industry avoids. Or, is it that this level of professional coaching better improves baseball team performance, profits and customer retention compared to our auto industry?
Why does professional baseball exist with the absolute resolve that professional coaching will help players and teams become much better and win a strong customer base, while our auto industry exists with the absolute resolve that manager roles include coaching responsibilities that they have no expertise in, and customer base erodes? Why does baseball separate management and coaching while the auto industry combines these two responsibilities?
What about retention? The Yankees fill their stands for nearly every game. People wait in line to pay to watch a game live. Retention and loyalty in the auto industry is so weak that the aftermarket owns the majority of service and parts work. Go figure! Can the weak franchise system learn something here from the stronger one?
The auto industry has always operated within a “Push/Pull” business model; pushing product from the factory to dealers, from dealers to our driveways with the hope of pulling us back to dealerships for service, parts and accessories. Did you know that better than 70% of customers who get all their service performed at the dealership that sold them their vehicle buy their next vehicle from them? Likewise, customers who don’t get any service done at the dealership they purchased their vehicle from represents less than 20% of those who buy their next vehicle from that dealership. What a great divide! Or, what a great opportunity! Which do you see it as?
The baseball industry operates in a “Pull/Push” business model; constantly pulling more and more customers into their stadium and into their fan base with the intent of pushing them to accessories and more ticket sales – you get the idea!
Do you think our franchised auto dealers will better their business and industry converting their business model to a successful franchise structure like baseball? Would a synergy coach in franchised auto dealerships prove to similarly better the customer experience by coaching better attitudes, performance and results in dealership players that interface with customers? You don’t believe more training is needed, do you? A synergy coach is what fills that all important gap between training and where a dealership wants to be for very high customer retention and loyalty.
There are only three Gross Profit Generating Engines that power a dealership, any and all departments, any business. These are: Transactions, Dollars Per Transaction and Margins! A “training” focus typically centers only on the processes that drive Dollars Per Transactions and Margins. A synergy coach is responsible for creative teamwork that inspires action in revving up the Gross Profit Generating Engine of Transactions through bettering relationships that profoundly improve and power dealership business long term.
If the auto industry centered its rebound not on focusing on the estimated 9% possible new vehicle industry sales improvement for 2010, but on powering the Gross Profit Generating Engine of Transactions through a synergy coach effort, dealers may sell more than their fair share the better and far less costly way! A “Pull/Push” business model will prove far more effective and likely win fans and loyal customers! Is not insanity defined as doing the same things over and over again expecting different results? Isn’t it time to expect better results through a synergistically coached dealership powered by the Gross Profit Engine of more Transactions, yes or yes? Thank you baseball for showing us the better way to structure our industry!
Think about it! “Put me in, Coach; I’m ready to play today!”
Tom Wiegand; “A Synergy Coach”
tjwiegand@comcast.net; 443-910-7702
AutoMax 800-878-5090
Baseball & Auto Pie
The professional franchise retail auto industry and the professional franchise baseball industry are my two all-time favorite franchise systems. Why are they so obviously different in structure and customer retention?
The professional franchised baseball team industry is structured:
The professional franchised auto dealership team industry is structured:
Wouldn’t the success of one structure convince the poorer performing industry to convert to the successful one, become part of the same excellent tasting pie? If the auto dealership structure is better, then auto leaders should convince the Steinbrenner family and management to eliminate the coaching level the auto industry avoids. In other words, convince the New York Yankees to eliminate their third base coach that has his hands and fingers moving everywhere in signal calling, that first base coach that typically has his hands in his back pockets, that bullpen coach that wears shin guards and watches pitchers prepare for entering the game; that bench coach that I think is primarily responsible for warming the bench for players coming off the field; and those other coaches that chew, spit and scratch. Convince Yankee management to take their suits and ties off and get into those player uniforms for every game and have them coach on the field instead of paying for that extra level of coaching the auto industry avoids. Or, is it that this level of professional coaching better improves baseball team performance, profits and customer retention compared to our auto industry?
Why does professional baseball exist with the absolute resolve that professional coaching will help players and teams become much better and win a strong customer base, while our auto industry exists with the absolute resolve that manager roles include coaching responsibilities that they have no expertise in, and customer base erodes? Why does baseball separate management and coaching while the auto industry combines these two responsibilities?
What about retention? The Yankees fill their stands for nearly every game. People wait in line to pay to watch a game live. Retention and loyalty in the auto industry is so weak that the aftermarket owns the majority of service and parts work. Go figure! Can the weak franchise system learn something here from the stronger one?
The auto industry has always operated within a “Push/Pull” business model; pushing product from the factory to dealers, from dealers to our driveways with the hope of pulling us back to dealerships for service, parts and accessories. Did you know that better than 70% of customers who get all their service performed at the dealership that sold them their vehicle buy their next vehicle from them? Likewise, customers who don’t get any service done at the dealership they purchased their vehicle from represents less than 20% of those who buy their next vehicle from that dealership. What a great divide! Or, what a great opportunity! Which do you see it as?
The baseball industry operates in a “Pull/Push” business model; constantly pulling more and more customers into their stadium and into their fan base with the intent of pushing them to accessories and more ticket sales – you get the idea!
Do you think our franchised auto dealers will better their business and industry converting their business model to a successful franchise structure like baseball? Would a synergy coach in franchised auto dealerships prove to similarly better the customer experience by coaching better attitudes, performance and results in dealership players that interface with customers? You don’t believe more training is needed, do you? A synergy coach is what fills that all important gap between training and where a dealership wants to be for very high customer retention and loyalty.
There are only three Gross Profit Generating Engines that power a dealership, any and all departments, any business. These are: Transactions, Dollars Per Transaction and Margins! A “training” focus typically centers only on the processes that drive Dollars Per Transactions and Margins. A synergy coach is responsible for creative teamwork that inspires action in revving up the Gross Profit Generating Engine of Transactions through bettering relationships that profoundly improve and power dealership business long term.
If the auto industry centered its rebound not on focusing on the estimated 9% possible new vehicle industry sales improvement for 2010, but on powering the Gross Profit Generating Engine of Transactions through a synergy coach effort, dealers may sell more than their fair share the better and far less costly way! A “Pull/Push” business model will prove far more effective and likely win fans and loyal customers! Is not insanity defined as doing the same things over and over again expecting different results? Isn’t it time to expect better results through a synergistically coached dealership powered by the Gross Profit Engine of more Transactions, yes or yes? Thank you baseball for showing us the better way to structure our industry!
Think about it! “Put me in, Coach; I’m ready to play today!”
Tom Wiegand; “A Synergy Coach”
tjwiegand@comcast.net; 443-910-7702
AutoMax 800-878-5090
automobile dealers,
car dealers,
car sales,
help wanted,
sales managers,
salesperson recruiting,
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
To be Great at anything,dublicate anything you have already been Great at!
Isnt it true?.....What have you been GREAT at in your past?.....Ok,think about it,I know there have been a few or even just one......now apply it to what you are now doing and do it over and over and over again.....Greatness doesnt always come from huge great NEW ideas but more often from ones that have worked before and just duplicated time and time again!
automobile dealers,
car dealers,
car sales,
help wanted,
sales managers,
salesperson recruiting,
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Hard Cement
I think of the past as "hard cement"...no matter how much water you put on cement once its has hardened into a shape you will never be able to make it wet cement again and change that formation.
We can however learn from the formation of our hard cement,our pasts to form our wet cement our futures.
Cant drive down the parkway looking in your rear view mirror.
Our Pats dont have to be our futures unless we decide to live in them.
We can however learn from the formation of our hard cement,our pasts to form our wet cement our futures.
Cant drive down the parkway looking in your rear view mirror.
Our Pats dont have to be our futures unless we decide to live in them.
automobile dealers,
car dealers,
help wanted,
sales managers,
salesperson recruiting,
Monday, January 18, 2010
We Need Trainers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Need Recruiter/Trainers ,these states..CT,NJ,PA,VA,NC,SC,GA,OH,MI,MO,OK,TX,WA,NV,CA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36DFDzhivXY
Friday, January 15, 2010
AutoMax asks, If I was looking for employment why would I consider selling cars?
"Winning" answer gets FREE Salesperson Recruiting Campaign at your store!
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